secure adj. (-curer; -curest) 1.安心的;不必担心的;有把握的。 2. 可靠的。 3.安全的。 4.坚固的;牢固的。 5.必定的;拿稳的。 6.不怕逃走的;关得牢靠的。 7.〔古语〕过分自信的;自负的。 a secure place 安全地方。 I have got him secure. 我牢牢地逮住了他。 a secure fool 糊涂虫。 be secure against [from] 没有…的危险。 be secure of 对…有信心的,认为…靠得住的。 feel secure (about, as to) (对…)放心;认为不要紧。 have one's mind secure 放下心。 keep (a prisoner) secure 把(犯人)关牢。 vt. 1.使确实可靠;把…弄稳当。 2.使安全;防护;保卫;妥善保管。 3.搞到;把…拿到手;得到;获得。 4.吸引住。 5.招致;促成。 6.紧闭;关牢;关进;绑住 (to)。 7.保证;担保;保险。 8.指定把财产遗赠给… (to)。 9.【航海】吩咐…停止工作;使停止(操作)。 secure a vein (做外科手术时)防止静脉出血。 secure valuables 将贵重物品收藏妥当。 a fully secured loan 有十足担保的借款。 secure oneself against [from] loss 防止损失。 secure oneself against accidents 投保人身意外险。 secure oneself against the cold 作好御寒准备。 secure arms! 【军事】(口令)倒挟枪!(以免雨水淋湿枪机)。 secure (sth.) from sb. 从(某人处)拿到(某物)。 secure one's ends 达到目的。 vi. 1.作出保证;承诺保险〔开出保险单〕。 2.【航海】停止工作;值勤完毕。 3.抛锚停靠。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
And by the law of the coincidence of causes , thousands of petty causes backed one another up and coincided with that event to bring about that movement and that war : resentment at the non - observance of the continental system , and the duke of oldenburg , and the massing of troops in prussiaa measure undertaken , as napoleon supposed , with the object of securing armed peaceand the french emperors love of war , to which he had grown accustomed , in conjunction with the inclinations of his people , who were carried away by the grandiose scale of the preparations , and the expenditure on those preparations , and the necessity of recouping that expenditure . then there was the intoxicating effect of the honours paid to the french emperor in dresden , and the negotiations too of the diplomatists , who were supposed by contemporaries to be guided by a genuine desire to secure peace , though they only inflamed the 而按各种原因偶合的法则,千百个细小原因与这次事件合在一起导致了这次进军和战争:对不遵从大陆体系的指责,奥尔登堡公爵,向普鲁士进军就像拿破仑感觉的那样仅为通过进军达到和平,法国皇帝对战争的癖好和习惯正好与他的人民的愿望一致,以及他对准备工作宏大场面的迷恋,用于准备工作的开支,要求获取抵偿这些开支的利益他在德累斯顿的令人陶醉的荣誉当代人认为是诚心求和却只伤了双方自尊心的外交谈判,以及与现有事件相呼应,并同事件巧合的数以千万计的原因。