
secure arms中文是什么意思

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  • And by the law of the coincidence of causes , thousands of petty causes backed one another up and coincided with that event to bring about that movement and that war : resentment at the non - observance of the continental system , and the duke of oldenburg , and the massing of troops in prussiaa measure undertaken , as napoleon supposed , with the object of securing armed peaceand the french emperors love of war , to which he had grown accustomed , in conjunction with the inclinations of his people , who were carried away by the grandiose scale of the preparations , and the expenditure on those preparations , and the necessity of recouping that expenditure . then there was the intoxicating effect of the honours paid to the french emperor in dresden , and the negotiations too of the diplomatists , who were supposed by contemporaries to be guided by a genuine desire to secure peace , though they only inflamed the
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